Cruising News and Announcements

Cruising News and Announcements


March 31, 2020

The following is an update for passengers, staff, and the greater cruising community regarding the operations of St. Lawrence Cruise Lines for the 2020 cruising season.

I am happy to report that at this time all cruise lines staff are safe and healthy. We have made a concerted effort as a company to enact policies of social distancing and working from home for the foreseeable future.

I do regret to inform our passengers booked for May river cruises that a decision to cancel those cruises has been made as a matter of precaution for the health and safety of all. I will follow up with an update on June cruising dates no later than April 20th, which is 6 weeks before our first scheduled cruise of June.

I appreciate the patience and support of passengers and staff as we navigate this ongoing situation. Our policies will continue to evolve and we shall continue to monitor the situation and stay up to date on the directions of Canadian health authorities.

While our physical office remains closed, our office line is open during normal business hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) and our reservations staff continues to work to respond to cruising and booking inquiries through our toll free number 1-800-267-7868 and by email at

Wishing good health to all,

Jason Clark
President – St. Lawrence Cruise Lines