Special Announcement

COVID-19 Update


March 24, 2020

The following is a brief update for passengers, staff, and the greater cruising community with regard to our policy moving forward during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. This follows recent announcements by the Government of Ontario regarding workplace and community health and safety.

In an effort to continue to make our work environment safe for our employees and customers, we will be adopting the following policies and procedures:

  • Our office will be closed to clients, and office staff will be working remotely during normal business hours (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) as of March 25, 2020 and extending until further notice
  • Phone lines will be open during business hours and our reservations staff will continue to communicate with passengers and inquiries
  • Communication and business via email will continue as normal

We will follow up with an additional announcement on the 2020 cruising schedule on March 31st, which is 6 weeks before our first scheduled cruise of the season.

We appreciate the patience and support of passengers and staff as we navigate this ongoing situation, and we will provide further updates as required. Our policy will evolve and we shall continue to monitor the situation to stay up to date on the guidelines of health authorities.

Please direct any questions moving forward to our reservations team at 1-800-267-7868.

Wishing good health to all,

Jason Clark

President – St. Lawrence Cruise Lines